Thursday, July 23, 2009

Slave Flood Update

Hanging out at the 60th! Randoms

Well not really much of anything exciting has been happening lately due to the crazy high water levels we are having on the river right now. They are higher now then what it was in the spring by almost 1000cms! The water has filled with sand and setiment and it down a gross chocolate milk colour,

So between now and the last update a few things have happened in point form;

-Rain got to go for her first trip to the dog pound after fallowing some kids home
-We have gone to the Playground Rapid a lot because its the only thing we know is half good
-Paddled into and ferried behind Pelican Rapid which is the biggest waves I have ever seen in my life!
-Checked the water levels to see they are still high and went back to the Playground
-Went to the Pine Lake Picnic at Wood Buffalo National Park where they had free food!
-Shaved my beard off
-Ran Mountain Portage Rapids hopping some waves would be in but the water level was too high so we played at the Playground
-Got bit by a lot of bugs including mosquitoes, horse flies, bull dogs (giant horse flies) and sand flies

And that is about it. Here are some odd and end pictures. Better ones will come with the water level dropping! And Slave River Paddle Fest coming up! It is going be awesome because the water level should drop by then!

I have also been taking a lot of photos with a sweet DSLR camera (I really want one). Check them out at Leif's Site The pictures are mostly of the waves we have found well out exploring.


Molly's Nipple Randoms

From Randoms

From Randoms

Pre-trip Photo PicsFromTheo

Surfing the Edge (Slave version of Bussy) PicsFromTheo

The Edge again PicsFromTheo

Bouncing on Roller Coaster PicsFromTheo