First Getting the Jeep |
Well I have told many stories of myself and some of Rain from this road trip. But I have not told any about the Jeep, so here are some interesting facts about it!
- 1995 Jeep Cherokee
-Purchased in Maple Ontario with 160 000 km
-Driven 20 000 km on its road trip!
-Furthest Northern Point - Hay River on the Great Slave Lake Northwest Territories
-Furthest Eastern Point - Montreal Quebec
-Furthest Western Point - Tofino, Vancouver Island on the Pacific Ocean
-Furthest Southern Point - Maple Ontario where I bought it
-Lived in by me and a dog for a summer
Repairs/Stuff I broke
-Rear Brakes
-New Floor
-cracked windshield 3 times!
-broke something in the transfer case...no more 4 low really
-sexy new shifter nob!
-no more 2,3,4 setting on the fan, just low and high!
-near rear hydrolics on the hatch
-2 burnt out head lights (at the same time for awhile)
-Probably more stuff...I just can't remember!
The Jeep